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Jay McConville to challenge Kris Amundson

Say it ain’t so, Jay? You’re actually challenging my favorite Democrat?

Yep…Jay McConville [1], veteran, businessman, community leader, George Mason grad and Alexandria resident is all set to challenge the 5-term incumbent, Del. Kris Amundson (D-44) [2].

“We face many new and unprecedented economic challenges in our district today, as well as continuing issues with our transportation system and in finding effective solutions for education,” McConville wrote suppoerters. “I am confident that my proven leadership skills in the community and in business, and as a veteran of the U.S. Army, are what Mount Vernon needs in these challenging times.”

McConville is President of the Fort Hunt Youth Athletic Association and an executive for computer manufacturing company Chandler/May, Inc.

Amundson, who is also Minority Whip and Chair of the House Democratic Caucus Political and Campaign Committee, is president of an educational communications firm and has served in public office for nearly twenty years after serving on the Fairfax County School Board.

She is also on the Board of Directors of Blogs United. (Yea…I’m getting around to announcing ’em soon).

I hope the debate will be civil and spirited…and in the best interests of Virginia. I would expect nothing less from either candidate.