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Hypocritical Democrats can’t meet their own standard

I read Democratic blogs for the same reason I like karaoke bars – in a Simon kind of way.

Today’s joy was watching a local Dem attack Bob McDonnell and excuse Terry McAuliffe the same weekend for the same thing.

“Here’s a problem for Bob McDonnell. Bob may be 4 jobs, but nowhere does he explain how that favor will generate any.” (Dem blog [1])

Of course, the blogger was at McDonnell’s kickoff rally where he said exactly how he could harness Virginia’s pro-business environment to create jobs (hint to McAuliffe – it’s not by forcing more unions on Virginia)

But the same Democrat blogger just two days ago touted McAuliffe’s vague promises “And, that is what I focus on every single day. I have done it before. I will bring the business experience and management experience to this job.” (same Dem blogger [2])

That’s it. That’s his plan. Focus?

What is it exactly that McAuliffe has “done before?”

He “constructed over 1,100 homes.”

So, he’s gonna do that again? He’s gonna build more houses?

Will Democrats nominate a home builder to solve problems of transportation, the environment and sprawl?

Better question. Will Democrat bloggers consider holding their own candidates to the same standards with which they attack Republicans.