Americans for Prosperity Takes the “Save My Ballot Tour” to Hampton Roads

Over 150 activists, small business owners, and workers gathered in Chesapeake on Saturday to demonstrate their support for the Secret Ballot on the South Hampton Roads stop of the Save My Ballot Tour.

“The right to a secret ballot is the bedrock of our Democracy and must be defended,” said Rosemary Wilson, Virginia Beach City Council member who kicked off the event.

“Today showed that Virginians are not going to sit by quietly and let union bosses rob workers of that most sacred right, the right to a secret ballot election,” added AFP Virginia Director Ben Marchi.

Americans for Prosperity has been leading the charge in Virginia to protect the secret ballot and prevent the enactment of the so-called Employee Free Choice ACT (HR 1409, S.560) also known as the Card Check legislation. If enacted, the Card Check legislation would take away nearly all traditional union organizing elections.

It would also force many companies and their employees to enter into binding arbitration hearings determining contracts, with the federal government deciding winners and losers. In short, government bureaucrats would wind up telling businesses how to operate without any recourse on the part of the business owner or the employee.

Rosemary Wilson continued, “No one in this great nation of ours should be forced to vote while facing public intimidation and pressure. We are here today to send a message to Senators Warner and Webb that the workers and voters of South Hampton Roads support the right to a secret ballot, and encourage them to vote against the so-called Employee Free Choice Act.”

In addition Delegate John Cosgrove, R-78th, and Tito the Builder spoke in support of worker’s and business owner’s rights.

The Employee Free Choice ACT is still being debated in the Congress, and neither Warner or Webb has definitively announced positions.

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