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Shannon signals Cuccinelli as AG opponent

In Del. Steve Shannon’s latest missive he singles-out State Sen. Ken Cuccinelli – a clear indicator that he sees Cuccinelli as his most-likely rival in this fall’s AG showdown.

“Last week, Bob McDonnell, Ken Cuccinelli, and the majority of Virginia’s House of Delegates put partisanship ahead of what’s right, and rejected $125,000,000 in federal money meant to make sure that all Virginians who needed it could receive unemployment insurance,” wrote Shannon.

Compare to the same message from Virginia Democrats:

“Petition calling on Bob McDonnell and the Republicans in the House of Delegates…Bob McDonnell and the Republicans in the House of Delegates…those who have been left behind by McDonnell and the House Republicans.”

I wonder if Lt. Gov. Bolling feels left off the ticket? Maybe he was mentioned by Jody Wagner? Nope:

Republicans in the House of Delegates followed the lead of their Gubernatorial nominee, Bob McDonnell, and rejected those funds.

All in all, the evidence points to Democrats making a concerted effort to pin this on McDonnell and House Republicans. Only the Democratic candidate for AG, Shannon, found it helpful to mention Cuccinelli…that has to mean something.

Could this be the endorsement Cuccinelli has been waiting for?