Tea Party in VB

Hundreds of people came out today in the rain and cold to Virginia Beach’s Town Center to peacefully protest the federal government’s out of control spending and budget deficits. A parade of speakers and music entertained the crowd, which was awash with red, white and blue hats, shirts and flags. Homemade signs proudly waved as the crowd broke out in spontaneous chants of “U-S-A” and “Freedom, Freedom!”

Tea Party in VB

I have to admit, I didn’t take it seriously when I heard about the Tax Day Tea Parties that were being organized around the country. I thought, it’s going to be a handful of bitter, right-wing extremists out to gripe about the President. But it turned out to be more than that. Today was about showing pride in country and the values that are often forgotten inside the Beltway. It was about being a participant in an event geared to make a statement – don’t forget the citizens, Washington. In your hurry to try to solve the world’s problems, don’t forget what we stand for and what we want.

Patriot at Tea Party in VB

People of all ages from all background and all political beliefs were there today. Granted, the conservatives probably outnumbered everybody else, but this was no radical, screaming mob. This was a group of patriotic Americans who by their presence were saying that they weren’t ready to give up on our country or our government.

Tea Party in VB

Great sign at Tea Party in VB

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