Obama Makes a Change I Can Believe In

thumbs_upA quick thumbs up here to the Obama administration for loosening some restrictions on American/Cuban interaction. Especially with Fidel Castro having handed over the reigns of power to his brother, Raul, the time is right for a more engagement oriented Cuba policy.

Obama is taking only moderate first steps now. He hasn’t lifted the embargo but he has lifted restrictions on Cuban-Americans visiting family members on the island and sending money to their family members. With most Cubans living on the average state salary of $20 a month, those extra monies from the U.S. are an open door of goodwill and a hand up from extreme poverty. Also, Obama is going to allow U.S. telecommunications companies to explore business opportunities in Cuba. Again, this is a first step that could whet the Cuban people’s appetite for freedom. As difficult as it is to believe, Cubans are still not allowed to own cell phones. Change that and who knows what else could change.

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