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Deeds Sitting On $1.4 Million

Despite being unable to fundraise while in session, Creigh Deeds has still been able to pull in and hold onto $1.2 million – more than Brian Moran has on hand and putting him in a strong position for the Democratic nomination for Governor with only two months to go.

His campaign’s email (with links for those eager to contribute) is after the break.

Friend –I wanted you to be the first to know that we proved the pundits wrong.

I am excited to announce that I was able to raise more money in 44 days than the previous 6 months — and now my campaign has $1.2 million cash-on-hand.

Contribute today to keep our momentum going. [1]

Some people said that it was foolish of me to give up 46 days of campaign fundraising in order to stay and fight for you in the Virginia Senate.  They said that I had no shot of keeping up with my opponents.

But as we’ve said all along, we are on track to have the resources we need to let every Democratic primary voter know I’m the one candidate who’s best prepared to continue the legacy of Mark Warner and Tim Kaine.

Contribute today to ensure we have the resources we need to win on June 9th. [1]

My opponents had twice as much time to fundraise.  Brian Moran even resigned his seat so he could raise money full-time for his campaign, but it didn’t pay off.  I now have 41 percent more cash on-hand than Brian.

I’m also so proud that because of our growing support statewide, 97 percent of our contributions came from Virginians like you.

But to take on Terry McAuliffe and win the nomination on June 9th, we need to keep building on our success. Contribute today. [1]

It means so much to me to have your support.

Thank you,

Creigh Deeds