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Are There Legal Issues For Frederick?

Yesterday Jim Hoeft reported that Jeff Frederick had retained legal counsel [1] for Saturday’s SCC meeting in which his Chairmanship will be put to a vote.  Many have speculated as to why Frederick would seek counsel and many Frederick supporters have contended that none of the ten points the SCC filed against Frederick [2] amount to illegal activity.

Or do they?

From the Contemporary Conservative [3]:

1. Are Federal Contractors allowed to give, donate, or otherwise contribute “in-kind” political services directly to political parties during Federal election cycles?

2. Is the Frederick company “GSX Strategies Inc.” a federal contractor?

3. If federal contractors are prohibited from performing “in kind” services to political parties during Federal election cycles and if a federal contractor does so anyway, what law, statute, rule, or regulation has been violated, if any?

CCMaximus provides the FEC rules and helps draw the conclusion that this is a serious offense.

Did Jeff Frederick accept a Federal in-kind contribution from a Federal contractor during a Federal election year?  And how does this weigh on the minds of not only the SCC but all Republicans who want strong, ethical leadership at the top?

We’ll find out on Saturday.