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More racism and sexism in the Democrat Party

If you only knew what the media tell you, you’d think the Democrats are the party of tolerance and openness and the Republicans had the racists and sexists.

If you look at the campaigns in the actual parties, however, you find the exact opposite.

Last year, it was the Democrat primaries that had pollsters asking everyone about “the race card” and whether voters (Democrats, mind you) would nominate a woman to be President, or for that matter, an African-American. Meanwhile, the Republicans actually did nominate a woman to the ticket, and made Obama’s policies, not race, the issue.

And here in Virginia, a Democrat primary has now sunk to those lows.

Pat Edmonson, running for Lieutenant Governor, has been attacked by emails [1] calling her names.

“Pat has been called names like “slut” and “dyke”, and her husband (who is African American) has been referenced by racial epithets.”

Edmonson Communication Director Connor Morris said “We already know (from emails and posts) that these people are self identified Jody Wagner supporters.”

Let’s see if the mainstream press does its job and reports this, because you KNOW that if it was Republicans hurling the “homophobic and racial epithets,” it would be front page, top of the news, every night for 3 months.