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Cuccinelli claims victory in Chesterfield, Hampton, and Virginia Beach

Sen. Ken Cuccinelli announced via email yesterday that his campaign has picked up a majority of delegates filed for the convention in the cities of Chesterfield, Hampton, and Virginia Beach.

According to the email, in Virginia Beach:

“Of the 438 delegates filed by today, our folks walked in with 192 forms – more than double any other A.G. candidate. Of course, many of the others are our supporters too (we just didn’t turn in all of their forms – they did it themselves). Again, the next largest block after our block of delegates appears to be the undecided block.”

And, in Chesterfield:

“Of those 704 delegates, Cuccinelli folks walked in the door with 396 (56%)! As of Sunday night, the next closest A.G. candidate had only filed about 100 delegates. “

Finally, in Hampton:

“63 delegates were elected at their mass meeting tonight. Over half of these delegates are committed to our campaign.”

Of interest, David Foster also claimed victory in Virginia Beach and John Brownlee claimed victory in Hampton.

Of course, the only person who really can claim victory is the person nominated May 30.