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Brownlee makes his own claims; Foster picks up key ensdorsement

Yesterday, State Sen. Ken Cuccinelli claimed victory [1] in delegates pledged in Virginia Beach and Hampton, and also that he won the AG debate sponsored by the Republican National Lawyers Association.

Not altogether surprisingly, so does John Brownlee.

According to Brownlee’s campaign:

Just as at the recent Roanoke-area debate, John Brownlee was the clear winner of today’s forum.

Once again, John was able to clearly demonstrate how his service as a prosecutor — and in particular his seven years as United States Attorney for the Western District of Virginia — uniquely qualifies him to be Virginia’s next Attorney General.

Regarding the delegates:

In Virginia Beach, Team Brownlee filed approximately 200 delegates. The Dave Foster campaign filed approximately 150, leaving an additional 89 delegates either uncommitted or supporting Ken Cuccinelli. Virginia Beach represents more than 5.5% of the total convention vote, so this is a big win for Team Brownlee.


The Hampton City Mass Meeting was held last night, and confirmed a lopsided delegate victory for Team Brownlee. Our confirmed count here shows us leading among these delegates nearly 3-1 over all other candidates.

While this is clearly contrary to what the Cuccinelli camp was saying earlier today, what isn’t disputed is the huge endorsement that Dave Foster received.

Yes…there is a third guy in the race.

Foster picked up the endorsement of former congressman Tom Davis [2].

Foster shouldn’t get too carried away though…as a very astute member of the Jeffersoniad mentioned, will he also have access to the Davis rolodex?

Brownlee also picked up a congressional endorsement [3] this week: Rep. Bob Goodlatte.