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Coggeshall and Underwood battle in Norfolk special election

Special elections, especially lately, have been unpredictable. Norfolk’s race for Commonwealth’s Attorney on March 10th has all the makings of another nail-biter.

Competing for the vacated seat of new circuit court judge Jack Doyle (an appointment of Sen. Yvonne Miller) are Republican and attorney John Coggeshall and Democrat and Chief Deputy CA under Doyle, Greg Underwood. Underwood is touting his experience and tenure in the Commonwealth’s Attorney office – and has the backing of powerful allies downtown.

Coggeshall has touted Underwood’s experience too, frequently pointing out the shortcomings in fighting crime in Norfolk during Underwood’s watch.

In Underwood’s eight continuous years of service in Norfolk, robberies are up 12%, aggravated assaults are up 37%, and murders are up an astounding 55%.

The only numbers going down in Norfolk seems to be population, by a good 10%.

Coggeshall’s message has been resonating: He’s been asking for a show of hands at debates for people happy with the crime level in Norfolk – and hasn’t seen a hand yet.

Underwood has labeled himself the status-quo candidate, going so far as to call the Commonwealth’s Attorney’s office “my office” at a recent forum. He can’t claim credit for the office on one hand and plead innocent on the office’s performance on the other.

But if he wants to claim an office which has had two DUIs [1] under his tenure, I’m sure Coggeshall won’t stop him.

Special elections are turnout races, so it may well depend on who turns out their supporters best.

Yet, there is a Democratic machine in Norfolk and it counts on the black population to vote as they’re told. With Coggeshall as a white Republican and Underwood as a black Democrat, the Republican’s only hope is a low turnout, but heavily in his favor.

But this just could happen. As Democrats have come very close to losing two recent races that should have been easy victories, Norfolk just might make the third time a charm.

If Coggeshall has the funds [2] to point out to the electorate Underwood’s less-than-stellar record, and offer a better way to safer neighborhoods, this race has all the markings of a GOP victory.

This election could be key for Republicans seeking to gain momentum in 2009. Winning an office in the bluest of blue cities in Hampton Roads would certainly fit the bill.

For more information on the race, visit Coggeshall’s web site [3].