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Senate Finance committee kills transportation plan again

According to Democrat leader Dick Saslaw, the problem with this transportation plan was that it didn’t raise taxes.

(Virginian-Pilot [1]) Directing criticism at the measure, Senate Majority Leader Richard Saslaw, D-Fairfax, said it is like so many that originate in the House of Delegates which remove money from state coffers “without raising taxes.”

HB 1579 would’ve earmarked future revenues from economic engines like the ports to help pay for new highways in Hampton Roads. It would’ve done similar things in other parts of Virginia.

But without a tax increase, the Saslaw was having none of that. Even Kaine’s Transportation Secretary fought the bill, closing the door on a Kaine administration that finally can say it was like Mark Warner’s.

Neither administration did anything about transportation.

But to kill a bill now because it doesn’t raise taxes? How looney can the left be? Isn’t it funny how boldly the Democrats want to raise taxes when there isn’t an election coming up?

Again, House Republicans want to begin solving our transportation problems. And again, the Senate Democrats refuse to do anything but raise taxes.