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Speaker Howell not to stand in way of cigarette ban

According to well-placed sources in the Virginia GOP, Speaker Howell told the House Republican Caucus that he will not oppose efforts to a limited ban on smoking in restaurants and bars.

This decision is likely to hand Gov. Tim Kaine a small victory.

Given my ambivalence on this issue [1], but desire to see the free market take its course (and that some delegates face overwhelming popular support to go forward with the ban) I can’t say I blame the Speaker. But it did come as a surprise.

In related news, Sen. Louise Lucas wants to hand local authorities complete autonomy on banning smoking.

Sen. Mark Obenshain relates in an email update today that he had an exchange with Sen. Lucas that should give everyone pause.

Yesterday, the Senate passed a bill patroned by Sen. Louise Lucas (D-Portsmouth) that gives localities unlimited authority to regulate or ban smoking within their borders. Now, I concede that fair-minded people can disagree about banning smoking in public places, but this goes way too far. Consider my inquiry directed to the patron of this bill, asking whether it “would allow localities to ban smoking anywhere they want, including businesses, including homes, including cars … anywhere?”

“Yes,” responded Sen. Lucas. “It allows a locality to exceed those requirements.”

It’s probably for the children. But it would be nice if Sen. Lucas wouldn’t treat all of us adults that way.