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What economy is this supposed to stimulate?

Rasmussen [1] polls show support for the Democrat economic stimulus plan to be down to 42%, thanks to independents dropping from a 37-36 split to a whopping 50-27 opposed!

Democrats support it (74%) and Republicans don’t (18%). Let’s try to find out why.

Out of $825 billion dollars of an “economic stimulus” package, here are some real “job creating” provisions the Democrats are pushing:

$20 billion dollars for more food stamps.
$39 billion dollars for unemployed folks to buy health care (no, not get them a new job, just have taxpayers pay for their health care while they sit at home)
$43 billion for more unemployment checks
$4 billion for law enforcement (how that equates to job creation, I don’t know, but unions must get paid back, I guess)
$87 to avoid Medicaid cuts.
$20 billion to computerized health care records over the next 5 years
$142 billion for rebuilding schools and libraries.
$90 for roads, bridges and mass transit.

These last two shows how wrong the Democrats are in a special way. Rebuilding libraries? You gotta be kidding me.

“Mr. Democrat, how will you get our economy moving again?”
“By building libraries!”

Say what you want about roads, bridges and transit, but they build an economy for generations. Eisenhower fueled an American economy for a century with the Interstate highway system.

How that is less of a priority than taking existing schools and libraries, tearing them down, and building them over again I’ll never know.

More fun!

$5 billion in tax cuts for people who don’t pay taxes (Isn’t that like cashing in a coupon without buying anything?)
$18 billion for refundable child tax credit (meaning, if you don’t owe taxes, you still get a check. We used to call that welfare.)

Oh, let’s not forget the money for broadband internet access in rural cities. After all, dialup is what caused this recession in the first place, right?

And these are the things CNN [2] was willing to admit. Heaven knows what else is in this thing.

Less than 3% of this “stimulus” are business tax cuts. A whole lot of it is a giant handout to people who aren’t working (as long as they continue not working), states so they don’t have to cut any of their wasteful spending, and to unions.

And let me guess. These new schools, roads and bridges will just coincidentally be in strong organized labor states, right?

This isn’t economic stimulus. This is electoral payoff.