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Sen. Webb indicates all will not be rosy with the new administration

Sen. Jim Webb, Virginia’s new senior senator, indicated during an interview with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell yesterday that Demcorats will not necessarily be in lock-step with the Obama Administration on every policy matter.

“When I was questioning then-Senator Clinton in her confirmation hearing, I said that she and I have had so many conversations over the past couple of years. I then listed seven different points on which our conversations and even debates would continue,” said Webb. “You cannot have creativity without some sort of abrasion and we really need creative leadership right now. We need people whose intellects are strong enough that they can listen to the other side and allow themselves to adjust when necessary.”

However, Webb believes that the selection of people like former Sen. George Mitchell as special envoy to the Middle East and Gen. Jim Jones as National Security Adviser will encourage solutions to the nation’s most delicate foreign policy issues – of which Webb favors diplomacy.

“I’m very hopeful that we are going to see a realistic foreign policy, but also one that reaches out to engage other nations with whom we have had some disagreement, so that we can move forward in a more constructive way in many different places around the world,” he said.

(h/t: WPCVA.com [1])