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Go Ahead, Make My Day…

…Call me a fanatic, a fetus-lover [1] (h/t Dr. Jocelyn Elders), whatever you can throw at me — just don’t call me silent in the face of injustice.

OK, those are strong words. If you might be getting a little riled up, its worth recalling that both sides in the abortion debate have been known to use rhetoric that generates more heat than light. I’ve probably done a little of that myself at times. It’s a debate that tends toward passion and – without a conscious effort – toward polarization.

So, let’s make that conscious effort. I suspect that most of us don’t like the thought of a woman being forced to mother a baby she didn’t plan on or be forced into an abortion she doesn’t want. When it comes to an unplanned pregnancy, the bottom line is that there are no easy options left.

Honest people on both sides admit that abortion hurts women. Statistics from the research arm of the largest abortion provider in the U.S. indicate that some 30% of women who have abortions felt pressured into their decision. Forced, coerced and otherwise unwanted abortions are more common than anyone wants to admit.

Honest people on both sides admit that a young, poor single woman choosing parenthood is likely to face a lot harder life than if she didn’t parent – and adoption, though a third way, is rarely chosen.

As I type, the clock has turned to 1/22/2009 – the 36th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Some celebrate. Others mourn. I can’t stay silent.

Because true compassion helps a woman when she finds herself unexpectedly pregnant — it doesn’t give her taxpayer dollars for an abortion and tell her to get lost.

Because its totally unfair that a black woman is 2.6 times more likely to suffer an abortion than a white woman. Is it not an extraordinary social indictment when 22% of Virginia women between the ages of 10 and 44 are black but these women had 46.8% of all abortions in 2007 (VA Dept of Health Statistics [2])?

Because being inconvenient shouldn’t be punishable by death.

Because no woman should have to choose between her child and her future.

Because life is beautiful and life should be possible.