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Is Nye a legitimate congressman?

We failed.

Bearing Drift let you down in 2008.

We left a stone unturned via the Drake v. Nye race, and now it is probably way too late to do anything about it.

We did not adequately pursue this whole residency flap [1] to its ultimate conclusion: the truth.

A candidate must certify [2] to the State Board of Elections that they have been a resident of Virginia for the year preceding the election [3] and meet all other eligibility requirements for the office that they seek.

The only question that I have about Rep.-elect Nye’s eligibility is this year of residency.

Vivian Paige asserts in her post [4] of September 24 that Nye was unequivocally in the district on Dec. 1, 2007…she says nothing of him being here prior to Nov. 5, 2007. She only makes an assumption that he was here then. But I have unequivocally been lots of places in the world this past year too…doesn’t mean I live there.

We know for a fact that he didn’t actually own anything in the district until April [5] of this year. The bachelor’s residence was purportedly with his sister’s family in Norfolk.

Yet, in 2007, Nye did not vote. Nor did he vote in 2006 [6]…so there is no tangible voting record to track where he made his primary residence.

However, he did file 2007 Virginia taxes [7]….which means he claims to have had residence in Virginia for 183 days [8] in 2007. But could he have been a “domiciliary” resident [9]?

According to the Daily Press report on the subject, Nye claims to have been “out of the country” those two years he did not vote in 2006 and 2007.

Therefore, at least by these details, it does appear that Nye was not physically in Virginia within the year preceding the election.

Does it matter? Does “domiciliary” residency meet the electoral residency requirements?

Either way, it’s January and these questions still persist. Is getting to the truth [10] going to be like this on every issue [11] with the new congressman?