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Kaine’s budget solution: Raise taxes, raid lottery and free criminals

Here’s [1] how our wonderful Democrats want to steer us through Virginia’s budget shortfall, courtesy of Tim Kaine.

Free felons up to three months early to cut prison costs. (Thieves go free!)

Double taxes on cigarettes (from the guy who wanted a smoking ban), but don’t use it to balance the budget. The tax increase would generate $150 million, but if it passes, Kaine spends it immediately by restoring $150 million of his proposed budget cuts!

That’s literally tax and spend!

Raising taxes is bad enough, raising taxes in this economy is worse enough, but raising taxes to restore your own budget cuts is about the worst idea I’ve heard.

More Kaine ideas? Raid the lottery fund, the rainy day fund, borrow more debt.

Moran? Deeds? McAuliffe? Do you buy into this?