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Light Rail bait and switch

Two things really bugged me about today’s story [1]about the recommendation to add $7 million to the cost of Norfolk’s starter line light rail project to pay for upgrading the communications and train control networks, installing flashers and gates at all street crossings, and incorporating a public address system, variable-message boards and emergency call centers on station platforms.

First Problem – the safety recommendations were part of the original plan, but were taken out to get federal funding, according to HRT chief Mike Townes.

This is why government shouldn’t build things. We had to make light rail less safe in order to get the federal government to write a check? And what will the response be if we put everything back in after getting the federal funding? Lowballing costs, getting funding, and putting the costs back in – it may be “government as usual” but it’s why it’s almost impossible to gain citizen trust and support for projects like these.

Problem two – they think we’re idiots.

“Part of what’s driving the recommendations is Virginia Beach’s new interest in possibly extending the line into the resort city, said Matthew Tucker, director of the state rail department. (Virginian-Pilot [1])

Bull! New interest? It’s been called a “starter line” since it’s inception. What idiot thought that a starter line would not extend? It wasn’t called a “stopper line” – starters start. To suddenly proclaim that someone might someday expand a line that was specifically designed to expand as if it’s a surprise means either Mr. Tucker just found out about the Norfolk starter line this year or he’s obfuscating the obvious.

To me, it looks like they lowballed the budget, got their money, and now want to get more money to pay the real costs which are substantially higher.

Ever wonder why referendums fail?