The “Contract with America” was a grass-roots, bottom-up effort that excited conservatives across this center-right country, motivating them in droves to toss the shackles of Democratic control in the House and eventually the Senate.
However, where did it go?
After Bill Clinton won a second term in 1996, Republicans began the witch hunt. Arguably, it was warranted, but still plagues the GOP today. While scandals plagued the Clintons, and special prosecutors were more than justified, it more than distracted from good government.
The bottom-line is that all that focus on the Clintons’ peccadilloes and shady business dealings took complete focus off actual policy being crafted by Republican majorities in Congress.
Instead of being known for welfare reform, lower taxes, stronger defense, and limiting government, the Congress became known for its manic persecution of the silver-tongued president.
Since the impeachment of the 42nd President of the United States, it has been one continuous death-spiral for the GOP, as it became mired in its own scandals, fell victim to working for big government vice limiting it, and failed to deliver on many of the promises of its proposed pact with the people.
With the recent and resounding defeat last Tuesday, it’s time for Republicans to go back to big ideas; to dust-off that 14-year-old document which still has unfinished business; and to articulate these principles with innovation and enthusiasm.
Republicans should work with Democrats on legislation that improves the economy, increases energy production, strengthens our national defense, and a myriad of others. Republicans should not be the party of “no.” But they should clearly convey core messages of restraint, fiscal discipline, and limited government in each and every negotiation.
And when they run into a brick wall? Bring the message to the people.
If there is anything that Republicans should have learned from this summer’s energy discussion it’s that you can affect “change” in the minority.