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One Final Plea

For almost two years now we, the American voters, have been inundated with candidates, polls, emails, debates, commercials, youtube videos, speeches, surrogates, mailings and phone calls. Tomorrow, the great horse race reaches its conclusion, and the outcome is entirely in our hands.

As you go to the polls and consider casting your vote for the 44th President of the United States, many last minute questions may run through your head. As this nation faces a time of multiple crises and tough decisions about our future, choosing the right leader may be more important tomorrow than it has been in more than a generation. Ultimately, this election boils down to a simple choice between two men, Barack Obama and John McCain. Thus, in making that choice, I believe that the two most important questions for each voter to consider are the following:

1. Which candidate is best prepared to lead this nation from the moment he takes the oath of office and to respond to whatever future crises he will face over the next four years?

2. Which candidate has the record to support his promises to the American people in this campaign?

Both candidates are impressive men who have overcome a great deal to be the last two standing at this point in the election. However, this election is about more than personalities or promises, this election is about the future of the United States of America. This election will decide if America remains the leading light of democracy and freedom in the world, or if we fade into the background.

The results of this election are being watched by our citizens, our friends, and our enemies alike. I believe that the two questions above are important because I believe that the stakes in this election are simply too great to entrust to an untested leader. Jobs, National Security, the Economy, Health Care, Energy, Broken Government. All of these are enormous problems facing our nation that require leadership and solutions to resolve. At this time in our nation’s history, a symbolic President is simply no substitute for a real leader.

John McCain is the only candidate who has ever shown the type of leadership, experience and sacrifice that our nation needs at this unique moment. He is also the only candidate who has ever shown any ability to work across party lines to achieve results on major issues. John McCain’s life has been an example for others to follow, and as President he will continue to set that example.

For voters who desire a leader who will provide confidence and direction for our nation once again, I believe there to be only one reasoned choice for President. That choice is John McCain, and he will have my vote tomorrow. I hope you will join me.