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Open-thread: Who are you voting for U.S. Senator?

For the next few days, we’ll have open threads where you can make your case for who should represent us.

In this thread, who do you think should be serving in the U.S. Senate?

Important note: please build an argument as to WHY you feel the way you do.

After the Republican National Convention, are you more or less likely to vote for Romney/Ryan?

  • More (58%, 114 Votes)
  • Less (42%, 82 Votes)

Total Voters: 196

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As an example, here is why Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling is voting for Jim Gilmore:

This election year is crucial for the state of Virginia and for our nation.

It is absolutely critical that we elect a candidate to the U.S. Senate who will stand up to the big spending liberals in Congress…someone who will fight for the taxpayers of our state…a person willing to fight to reduce wasteful spending and lower taxes…a U.S. Senator who will protect our families and the working men and women…a man with the courage and honesty who will go to battle for Virginians.

You deserve a U.S. Senator with all of those qualities. You should demand a Senator who is honest and tough and who will work for you. And, my friends I submit that candidate in this election is former Gov. JIM GILMORE, and I hope you will help us elect him as our next U.S. SENATOR!

You may remember that as Virginia’s Governor Jim Gilmore signed into law five different tax cuts for Virginians totaling $1.5 billion, including a 70 percent cut in the Car Tax. Time and again, Jim Gilmore stood his ground against those who wanted to tax and spend and take more money from your pockets. For his courageous stands against wasteful spending and increased taxes, Jim Gilmore was three times awarded the “Friends of the Taxpayer Award” by Americans for Tax Reform.

You may also remember that as Attorney General Jim Gilmore launched successful investigations into Medicaid fraud, government waste, and consumer protection. The fact is that Jim Gilmore is someone who stands up for the working people of Virginia. We MUST elect Jim Gilmore to the United States Senate on November 4th!

PLEASE REMIND YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS, AND ASSOCIATES TO VOTE ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4TH FOR JIM GILMORE FOR U.S. SENATE!! He will work to reduce government spending and to lower taxes…he will fight for you and your family.