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Did you know there is now a huge reward for a videotape of Obama? From The Hill [1],

A hedge fund manager is offering a reward of $150,000 in exchange for a tape that shows Barack Obama at a 2003 dinner for a Palestinian scholar.

Aston Grimaldi II said he would pay out the money to whomever can provide a tape of the 2003 event for Rashid Khalidi, which the Los Angeles Times [2] has written about but has refused to release. Grimaldi’s offer letter is available at Dirty Harry’s Place [3], a conservative blog.

That’s right, the L.A. Times is sitting on a video of Obama. Talk about the media being biased… if it were a correpondingly bad video of McCain there would be a new cable channel devoted to nothing but that video, being played over and over…

Now consider this: the NAACP is suing [4] because presumably Virginia registrars don’t know how to do their jobs:

The NAACP [5] and others filed a complaint Monday in U.S. District Court in Richmond [6], arguing that “the allocation of polling-place resources” by the state and its jurisdictions “is plainly irrational, nonuniform, and likely discriminatory.” A court date has not been set for the suit.

So let’s review. We have a press that is actively censoring NEWS that is unflattering to their favored candidate. We have groups doing their darndest to cast doubt on the mechanics of the voting itself… does anyone else feel like these are twin axes chopping near the roots of the tree of liberty? Seriously, where are you if there are too many of these kinds of doubts about an honest press and an honest election?

To clarify, I still think enough Americans have the common sense to be aware of these things going on. But these are still bad trends.