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I Had to Answer a Lot of Questions

I have a story to tell. Please read and think about it. So I was in college, working, and one day I walked into the workplace, and my co-workers were all wide-eyed. “We’ve been trying to reach you! There are [government agency] security men in your office and they want to talk to you NOW!” I had no idea what for, so I walked in my office and sure enough, there were two G-men in there. Turns out they wanted to know about a former roommate. She had graduated in [science field] and gone on to get a cool job with [government agency]. Now she was about to get a job physically working on [extremely valuable project] but they had to clear her.

You would not believe the questions they asked me about her. She was one of several roommates I had, and we were in the same apartment for about two years. They wanted to know everything – friends, family, boyfriends, any drinking or drugs; associations, where she spent her weekends – it was personal and thorough. Fortunately she was a very quiet-living, family-oriented, down-to-earth person, so I was able to assure them that there was nothing remotely shady about her or anyone she hung out with. After many,  many questions, they thanked me politely and left.

That’s the kind of going-over a person gets, to be cleared to work on [one valuable thing, sorry to be so vague] – former roommates are hunted down and closely questioned to find any hint of anything dodgy.
Which makes me wonder – could Sen. Obama withstand that process and get any kind of security clearance? Please read this American Spectator article [1].

Holding the presidency is not like being a state senator, or a U.S. Senator. The president can order a nuclear attack. It is right for us all to demand to know who he lets into the circle of people who influence him. It is right for us to reject him if we see that those influences are actively hostile to this country.

[Cross-posted at Conservativa].