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NoVA Democrats cry for change, but practice politics as usual

In reading an interesting article in the WaPO on the Rep. Frank Wolf v. Judy Feder race in the 10th [1], one definitely got the sense that the Post was playing-up Feder as the “change” candidate.

That, of course, is not difficult to do when the incumbent has been around for 28 years.

However, what sort of “change” would NoVA get?

Perhaps that best can be found by looking at what Feder supporter and frequent Democratic flame-thrower Paul Begala had to say in the article:

“Judy is a can of Red Bull, and Frank is a bottle of Ambien pills,” said Paul Begala.

So, Democrats are asking NoVA voters to ditch the steadfast, earnest and faithful public servant in Wolf for the shrill and partisan nature of the Feder campaign?

Interesting tactic.