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Venison, Moose, & Pork – Which one doesn’t fit?

I’m experiencing a little bit of sensory overload, I think. Maybe you can help me with all the pieces of my last hour.

Earlier, I watched this TV ad [1] from Barack Obama asking viewers “how are things going for you?” while hitting John McCain for forgetting how many houses he owns and thinking the economy is strong. Actually, from where I sit, the economy looks pretty good but gas prices are still stinkin’ awful (thanks, Nancy Pelosi).

It was getting late and I still hadn’t eaten dinner, so I just grilled myself a venison burger and turned on Channel 7 for live convention coverage .

Now, I’m watching Joe Lieberman speak at the Republican convention — he just reminded us that he’s not Michael Moore’s favorite Democrat. He praised John McCain… And then he praised Bill Clinton for working with Republicans on free trade and welfare reform – and he actually got mild applause.

There’s already been a lot of talk about John McCain’s war on pork. Fred Thompson reminded us that John McCain has a record of defending the weak and he won’t consider protecting unborn and newly born children to be “above his paygrade.”

And previously tonight, Fred Thompson rocked the room when he called Sarah Palin the “only nominee in the history of either party who knows how to field dress a moose.”

I’m getting a glance at Prince William County Chairman Corey Stewart from Channel 7 — apparently he’s at a convention night party with Tom DeLay — Have fun for the rest of us, Corey! 😉

Venison, Moose & Pork – I think it’s the pork that needs to go.

Also, in all the flurry over Sarah Palin, we didn’t really cover Barack Obama’s convention speech very well here on Bearing Drift. With kudos to the McCain team for leaving that historic speech a very short news cycle, I think it deserves a little more examination. What do you think?

Sound off in the comments and stay tuned for more RNC coverage.