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A statement on Obama’s bipartisanship?

All last week at the DNCC, we heard about how partisan John McCain is and how electing him would be a third Bush term. Duck, a frequent commenter on BD, made this observation:

Looking at Obama’s record, I fail to see any bi-partisanship. But I guess if you say something long enough, some people will believe it.

McCain may have voted with Bush 90 percent of the time, but Obama has the most liberal voting record of any Senator. Then he picks another very liberal Senator as his running mate. Not how I would define bipartisanship, but what do I know? Heck, Obama would not even pick Hillary as a running mate, and she is a little bit to the right of him.

It is convenient that Obama forgets those times when McCain railed against W. The gang of 14 comes to mind. Weren’t there some Democrats in that group? And didn’t McCain at least consider selecting a Democrat as his running mate?

That said McCain equals Republican partisanship, and Obama equals bipartisanship. Makes perfect sense to me!!