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Even Democratic “insiders” think Palin pick helps the GOP

In the most recent National Journal blogger “insiders” poll [1], 50% of “left of center” bloggers said that Sen. John McCain’s selection of Gov. Sarah Palin to be his running mate on the Republican ticket will help at least a little. They join the 18 of 19 “right of center” bloggers who think the pick will help.

I stated the pick would help a lot and “that The energy that just has been given to conservatives is amazing. That energy has to transmit to the rest of the electorate. I have never seen a McCain event so electric and it’s all due to one person: Sarah Palin. Besides, she’s just so darn likable!”

I know…not the most intellectual argument I have ever made, but give me a little break: I was watching the event unfold on Friday as I was answering the poll question.