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National Journal Blogger Poll: “Pick the demographic group that Obama most needs to sway during the convention?”

The second of the National Journal “insider” poll [1] questions is up.

I love these polls – not just because I am a participant – but because you can clearly see how the “other side” thinks.

The choices for this poll were “women”, “whites over 45”, and “blue collar workers”. A majority of the “left of center” bloggers (14 – or about 2/3 to be precise) split between “women” and “whites over 45”, while a majority of “right of center” bloggers overwhelmingly chose “whites over 45” (13 votes) and “blue collar workers” (7 votes) – 20 of the 22 votes cast.

As a “right of center” blogger, I chose “whites over 45”. My rationale was that despite the growth of young registered voters, trends indicate they do not turnout. Therefore, it’s the older crowd that needs to be persuaded for the Democrats in key swing states such as Ohio, Virginia, Florida and Michigan. I think it was a key reason why Biden was selected as VP on the Democratic ticket. If women were the target, Hillary should be the #2.

The poll tells me there are a lot of Dems still divided about the nomination.