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Kay Bailey Hutchison for McCain?

I’ve long been on the side of those who think Romney is the choice for VP for McCain. But Dick Morris [1] thinks that Obama’s flipping off of female Hillary voters should be enough for Maverick McCain to look to Texas Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison.

The ticket will nominally be Obama-Biden. But, to millions of American women it will be Obama and not Hillary.

Understood. Giving Mark Warner the keynote on “Hillary’s night” of Tuesday is Obama’s way of saying “2012 isn’t all yours, Hillary, if I happen to lose.” And picking Joe “1%” Biden? I mean, c’mon! Even lowfat milk gets 2%. Biden couldn’t break 1% in Iowa, and Obama chooses that over Hillary?

John McCain can take advantage of Obama’s blunder by coming back with a female nominee for vice president. Texas Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison would be an excellent choice.

Sure would make it interesting!