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Drake to Pelosi: Vote before Convention

Congresswoman Thelma Drake is in Washington DC at this very moment ready to vote on the bipartisan “All of the above” energy solution that encourages conservation and alternative energies as well as seeking American energy sources.

House Speaker and Democrat Nancy Pelosi still says nothing.

And Drake wants action before the Democrats start their self-congratulatory partying.

“While Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats are partying in Denver, families in Hampton Roads and on the Eastern Shore are still feeling the pinch every time they fill up their gas tank,” said Drake. “Speaker Pelosi should come back to Washington and allow a vote on a comprehensive, ‘all of the above’ energy solution before spending the week at parties in Denver.”

Keep working, Thelma. Eventually, Nancy Pelosi might start working, too. She promised the “hardest working Congress,” didn’t she?