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Virginian Energy NOW

Here on BD, JR has recently highlighted [1]a poll showing that Virginians overwhelming approve of an energy strategy that features domestic drilling.

On June 14th, the U.S. Senate rejected a proposal [2]by John Warner to allow natural gas exploration right off of Virginia’s coast. Note that the Democrats used fear mongering about an oil spill as their reason for voting Warner’s proposal down. But what they rejected was natural gas exploration — which is hardly dangerous — and certainly wouldn’t lead to an oil spill.

If Sen. Warner’s plan had passed, there would have been several stages to go before any resources found could be harvested, but it still would have still but Virginia ahead of the curve on utilizing our natural resources safely and in an environmentally responsible way. In fact, an even broader Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less strategy could pay huge dividends for this Commonwealth.

Not only would that strategy lead to lower fuel prices now, future revenues would be split between the federal government, Virginia and the private companies involved. Wouldn’t those revenues make for a perfect (if only partial) answer to our transportation woes?

In fact, I’ll predict now that General Assembly Republicans will move to dedicate future drilling proceeds to the Transportation Trust Fund — and the Democrats will find some set of excuses for fighting that idea tooth and nail. After all, Dick – “You Can’t Give Me Enough Money [3]” – Saslaw seems capable of coming up with limitless reasons why you should pay more taxes. And, he wouldn’t want to deprive you of the privilege of “contributing” to relieve congestion just because future oil revenues would be available for the job.

And, what would the Sierra Club and the Virginia League of Conservation Voters say if Saslaw actually worked with Republicans for an offshore drilling solution to our energy and transportation needs? Naw, that won’t be happening…

When it comes to energy, Virginia is actually quite rich in natural resources. Besides oil and natural gas offshore, Virginia has rich coal deposits and could easily host a new, low-emissions, nuclear power plant. If we don’t take advantage of these opportunities, we’ll keep paying through the nose to those who do.

By the way, fellow Virginians, only one candidate [4] for U.S. Senate agrees with you about drilling here. Hint, his name isn’t Mark Warner.