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Powell not going to Democratic convention; endorsement still open

Gen. Colin Powell has unequivocally knocked down any speculation [1]that he is heading to the Democratic Convention to speak. He has also kept his endorsement for president open, according to ABC News’ Blog.

“’I am not going to the convention. I have made this clear,'” [Powell told ABC].

“Powell ended the conversation without entertaining any follow-up questions as to whether he would be crossing party lines to endorse Obama. “

Powell spoke glowingly of Obama when he appeared on the Tavis Smiley Show on PBS on the eve of the New Hampshire primaries.

“I am terribly excited, I’m impressed, and I am happy for Barack Obama,” said Powell. “Let’s enjoy this moment where a person like Barack Obama can knock down all these old barriers that people thought existed with respect to the opportunities that are available to African Americans; my congratulations to him….I take joy in what he has been able to achieve.”

Here arePowell’s comments in their entirety last January:

Powell’s not endorsing of Obama clearly shows that race is not the only factor in Powell’s decision making.