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Romney is the pick. Or is he?

Race 4 2008 is breaking, un-sourced, that Romney is the VP pick for John McCain. [1] But the man who broke the story this week that the announcement would be made, Bob Novak, was not so sure tonight [2] with Sean Hannity.

Update (July 23, 10:25 a.m.): The saga of Bob Novak’s blog-post continues, saying on Fox News this morning that he kinda feels duped by senior McCain campaign officials who floated the idea of making an announcement this week, but are now backing-off that sentiment. Novak thinks this might have been done to get some buzz about the VP pick while Obama is off playing presumptive president overseas.

Now, Dana Bash of CNN is chiming in saying that Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty is back in the mix [3].

McCain is also flying to a somewhat secretive meeting with Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal tonight in New Orleans. However, Jindal has been growing less oblique about turning down a potential VP offer [4].