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Hamilton wonders if Dems are serious about transportation

HB 3202 passed. It was signed into law by the governor. It was found unconstitutional. The only thing unconstitutional about it was how regional taxes and fees were imposed.

Enter HB 6055. Del. Dave Albo and Del. Phil Hamilton of Northern Virginia and Hampton Roads respectively crafted this bill to ensure that the regional taxes were passed at the state level, but that the raised revenue would be used locally…which is very similar to how transportation fund money was raised by a 1/2-cent statewide sales tax increase in 1986. Never before had sales tax been used for transportation, but Virginia law made it so. The same would be true this year for money rasied by taxes and fees for NVTA.

Now, it appears that Gov. Kaine and the Democrats are balking at supporting the substitute bill and Hamilton lays into them:

“It appears that the Democratic leadership is more interested in holding Northern Virginia’s and Hampton Roads’ transportation needs hostage for higher statewide taxes during the current economic downturn and when Virginia families are already suffering,” Hamilton said. “It is almost as if these Democratic leaders are more interested in petty, partisan politics than trying to improve the quality of life in two regions that provide the majority of the economic revenue for the Commonwealth.”

Hamilton indicated that HB 6055 offers an opportunity for the Governor and the General Assembly to work together to address the unique regional transportation needs of Northern Virginia and Hampton Roads.

“If the desire is to legitimately address the regional issues brought about by the Supreme Court’s decision, Republicans and Democrats should offer ideas to fashion a compromise for the transportation needs of these two regions,” Hamilton said.

Hamilton added, “To date, Republican legislators have risen to the occasion and offered reasonable and responsible ideas for discussion on addressing the regional transportation needs of Northern Virginia and Hampton Roads. If Democratic leaders refuse to offer regional solutions, it will be obvious that this special session was never about transportation solutions any way.”