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Frank Rich calls on WALL-E to lead us

Having seen the movie with my family this weekend, Rich’s op-ed does not fall on deaf ears in my household. Rich argues in his column [1] (requires login) that the Pixar animators are, perhaps, more in-tune and serious about today’s political landscape than the two presidential campaigns.

While the real-life grown-ups on TV were again rebooting Vietnam, the kids at “Wall-E” were in deep contemplation of a world in peril — and of the future that is theirs to make what they will of it. Compare any 10 minutes of the movie with 10 minutes of any cable-news channel, and you’ll soon be asking: Exactly who are the adults in our country and who are the cartoon characters?

Despite Rich’s characteristic tirade against McCain towards the end of the piece, which, yes, I will nitpick becuase he was completely more unfavorable to McCain than Obama (although I was mildly annoyed, but not surprised, to learn McCain does not know how to use a computer), his column strikes a chord — have we lost touch in the political world with actually working on the problems that matter?