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Chap Petersen and his blooming dogwoods

Sen. Chap Petersen (D-NoVA), wrote a memo to the folks back home that started:

“It’s June in Richmond. The dogwoods are blooming in Capitol Square. We should be back bome [sic], but we’re here instead.”

I would LOVE to have seen a blooming dogwood yesterday during my visit, but don’t seem to recall seeing any.

Of course, maybe Petersen is used to seeing phantom things, particularly by ignoring our transportation and energy needs.

Petersen had a chance on the agriculture committee to stand-up for something tangible today — a new form of revenue for Virginia’s transportation needs and a step towards energy independence by supporting either Sen. Cuccinelli’s or Sen. Wagner’s bills on offshore drilling; instead, he agreed with the environmentalist chicken-littles, who frequently see things that don’t or won’t exist, and helped kill both bills in the Senate.

If Chap Petersen wasn’t so busy seeing things that don’t exist in Capitol Square, maybe some real work could get done. That way, perhaps, he wouldn’t have to be in session in the middle of June.