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Message from Amit Singh

Amit Singh, former candidate for congress in the 8th Congressional District called Republican nominee Mark Ellmore last evening and left a message of congratulations. He also issued a statement today thanking supporters and, in many ways, left his plans for any future public office or service open-ended:

Dear Friends,

Thank you for all of the support, the encouragement, and the countless hours of hard work you have given me throughout this process. Without you this campaign, this vision for a brighter and stronger future for America and the Republican Party, would not have have been realized.

I know many of you are disappointed with the outcome of this election. But we accomplished a lot since I announced my candidacy in March. We brought together an energized and motivated organization not seen recently in the district. We raised about $64,000. And we convincingly demonstrated that the 8th District is ready for change, ready for principled leadership, ready for our vision of the future.

I felt compelled to run. I sensed something was wrong with America at its core, and this feeling culminated in a campaign for Congress. But it won’t end there (no, I’m not seeking the VP nomination). I encourage all of you stay involved and active in our vision of limited government, fiscal responsibility, and personal freedom and continue to spread the vision of a brighter future for America.

Thank you and God Bless,


P.S. Remember to visit and sign up at www.Amit08.com [1] which will have information on how you can stay involved.”