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Thoughts on the RPV Convention

As the dust settles on an exciting and entertaining weekend in Richmond, I have just a few thoughts on what we witnessed this past weekend and what me might expect moving forward.

First, it was fun to meet and greet so many wonderful Republican friends this weekend. I am constantly impressed at the energy and passion of so many folks in our Party, both young and less young. I spent time this weekend with folks from Lee County to Alexandria hailing from all walks of life. Their commonality, however, lies in the fact that all of them care deeply about our fair Commonwealth. Despite the challenges the GOP has encountered over the past few years, it is always encouraging to be around such fine citizens.

Second, I want to point out a moment that really stuck out to me this weekend as emblematic of the character of our Virginia Republican Party. During Vice President Cheney’s speech at Friday night’s gala, he included a line thanking the troops for their sacrifices on behalf of our nation. The standing ovation that followed was truly spontaneous and clearly heartfelt. As a member of the Armed Services, I admit that this moment made me a little misty-eyed. It is so refreshing to be around a group of folks who not only appreciate the job that our soldiers are doing, but also understand why they are doing it and the tremendous sacrifice that it entails.

Next, I just want to mention what a great team we have leading our Party in AG Bob McDonnell and LG Bill Bolling. Bill Bolling is probably the most beloved man in the Republican Party right now for his unselfish decision to run for re-election as LG next year. As a friend of mine noted, Bill Bolling has earned a blank check from the Party fathful for whatever office he wants to run for in the future. Further, Bob McDonnell simply exudes the type of competence and confidence that has been sorely missing from the Governor’s mansion of late. I am really looking forward to 2009, and I know I’m not alone.

Finally, the election of Jeff Frederick as Chairman seems to be indicative of something that is happening within our Party all across the Commonwealth. Youth and energy are clearly the order of the day in the Virginia GOP. In politics, as in many areas of life, there comes a time when the old guard must give way to a new generation of leaders. I feel we are at such a time in our Party right now. I see energetic young District Chairs like Mike Ginsberg in the 8th and Michelle Jenkins in the 9th. I see energetic young legislators like Chris Saxman, Ben Cline, Rob Bell and Manoli Loupassi. I see two energetic young candidates for Attorney General in Ken Cuccinelli and John Brownlee. I see energetic young congressional candidates like Amit Singh stepping up to the plate. Most importantly, however, I see energetic young individuals from all over our Commonwealth getting involved and making a difference at the grassroots level of our Party.

This certainly doesn’t mean that the storms are behind us. Indeed, the Democrats are very confident that they can win Virginia this fall in both the Presidential and Senate elections. It is going to take a lot of hard work on all our parts to ensure that does not happen. However, even if we endure some more bumps along the road ahead, I am hopeful that a new approach and new leadership will yield better results in the long run than we have recently had.

As our friend Jason Kenney has so aptly stated today [1], “Now is not the time to quit, it is the time to keep fighting and ensuring there is one less pawn for a Democratic agenda that harms Virginians and Americans.” I second Jason’s motion and note that his call extends well beyond just the Senate race this fall.

The next chapter begins today.