Bearing Drift is pleased to announce that we will be attending both the Democratic and Republican Party of Virginia’s statewide conventions.
As the Democratic Convention approaches, we’ll have more details.
Regarding the Republican Convention this Friday and Saturday, beginning Friday our own Jane Dudley will be attending the RPV Gala and taking photographs of the event. Maybe we can get some good shots of Jim Gilmore putting creme pie into Bob Marshall’s face. In the words of Sen. Bluto Blutarsky, “FOOD FIGHT!” (If anybody has extra tickets and wants to take a plebeian waif like me, I’m available.)
Also that evening, myself, Jane, Chris, Shaun, and perhaps other members of the Bearing Drift crew will join the Jeffersoniad in room B19 of the Richmond Convention Center at the Jeffersoniad’s hospitality suite, sponsored by Speaker of the House William Howell and Rhumb Line [1] (ed. note…BD LOVES this PR firm’s name – “a straight line to navigate by, baby!”). Please come and stop by the suite and enjoy some dessert and coffee/tea on the Speaker (you may or may not see double-meaning in this phrase). Also, you can see our three-headed blog monster that we keep in the corner. It’ll be quite a spectacle. We’ll be open from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
The next day, several of us will be part of “bloggers row” at the convention. We’ll be live-blogging and providing podcasts and interviews as the events of the big day unfold.
Finally, BD will be having a staff meeting that weekend. Expect change from this blog. Yes we can!