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Welcome to the Judiciocracy of California

On the left coast, the will of the people (and their elected representatives) is really irrelevant – unless, of course it is consistent with the will of the almighty judiciary.

California’s Supreme Court has today decreed that same sex couples must be granted marriage licenses by the state. See: LA Times Story [1]

But then again, the courts – before which legislatures, executives and the people must bow – have also legalized gay marriage in Massachusetts & civil unions in Hawaii & Vermont (legislatures have recognized same sex relationships elsewhere).

The CA Supremes’ ruling comes after 61% of the states voters approved Proposition 22 (2000) which stated that only marriage between one man and one woman would be recognized by the state.

So, maybe it’s about time legislators started impeaching justices who see themselves as above the law rather than under it.

In a great display of courage, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (who had vetoed legislative attempts to legalize gay marriage), said that he would not support a California Constitutional Amendment to affirm marriage as between one man and one woman.

Folks, it’s only a matter of time before this momentous issue comes to the US Supreme Court. No matter what you think of John McCain personally or of his record in the Senate, he will appoint justices who see their role as interpreting the Constitution — not adding to it. Obama and Hillary would appoint justices who would decimate our founding documents.

And, for those who think that government should get out of the marriage business entirely, I understand your argument. I even sympathize with it (despite the host of impractical implications it entails). But until government DOES get out of the marriage business, I continue to support one man – one woman marriage as the best policy for our society.