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Syndicated columnist Paul Ibrahim interviews Singh and Ellmore

The 8th Congressional District race for the GOP nomination absolutely fascinates me.

Both Amit Singh [1] and Mark Ellmore [2] represent two very distinct views of the Republican Party, and seeing which view prevails in a largely Democratic district signals to me the direction in which the party most trends. My rationale is that in a largely Democratic district, the Republicans that exist there are the true believers; they are concentrated. So, whatever choice they make, I think it makes a profound statement about the future of the party.

That being said, Paul Ibrahim, a synidcated columnist, recently completed interviews with Amit Singh [3] and Mark Ellmore [4]. They are well worth the read and provide interesting insights regarding the two candidates.

As you may recall, I also interviewed Singh [5]. And, I will be catching up with Ellmore on an upcoming installment of the VPOD.