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Kellam teacher running escort services?

Other than the fact that it makes perfect sense for an escort service to be run by a teacher from Kellam High School, the 33-year-old social studies teacher has some explaining to do regarding having telephone numbers listed in her name tied to eight escort services [1].

Calls to phone numbers linked to [Michelle] Droelle reach an operator who refers callers to a Web site that features photos of a dozen young women in provocative poses and various states of undress. The operator explains that for $100 cash, one of the “girls” will meet the caller at the location of his choosing and stay for one hour, during which she will strip naked, perform a lap dance and floor show, and provide companionship.

But School Board chairman Dan Edwards wouldn’t know about anything like that….

“At least on the surface, an escort service is only that. I’m not an expert.”

Seriously, Droelle claims she is out of “the business,” therefore, what would be the point of dismissing her or having her resign? She’s obviously trying to move beyond her past and, for that, she should be commended.

However, that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun with the story!

Or, since it was phone number that really got Ms. Droelle into trouble:

Hey, at least the girls who "won" the Pilot's art contest [2], but then were denied the prize by Pilot publisher Bruce Bradley, now know that there's a future for them in the Virginia Beach Public School System.