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“I will not raise taxes” and “I will enforce the death penalty”

Garren Shipley has two thoughtful and provocative posts on his blog “A View from the Cheap Seats” about Kaine’s stay of ALL executions, including that of convicted police murderer Edward Bell which was set for Apr. 8, while the Supreme Court deliberates on the constitutionality of lethal injection.

First, is Shipley’s very poignant remembrances [1]of covering this story.

I’ve watched the Timbrook family on several occasions weep silently and not so silently as lawyers from the attorney general’s office describe Sgt. Timbrook’s death in vivid detail. I’ve seen a look of powerless, frustrated anger overtake the eyes of his colleagues when they talk about it.

It’s the kind of raw agony that really defies description.

I’ve also seen Edward Bell’s children light up like Christmas morning when they see their father, shackled and under guard, smile and wave to them from the front of a courtroom, and even more recently heard what could only be described as rapturous relief in the voice of family members upon being told of Kaine’s decision to stay.

Unfortunately, Sgt. Timbrook will never be able to see his family again either.

Second, he recalls Kilgore’s “Kelly” ad [2] which doomed the Kilgore campaign then, but seems all to prescient today.

Which brings us to the two biggest lies of the past seven years: “I will not raise your taxes” and “I will enforce the death penalty.”

When will Virginians cease to be gulled into the hypocrisy of Democrats?

When they say they won’t raise your taxes, you know that they will.

And when they say they will “enforce the death penalty” and “carry out death sentences handed down by Virginia juries because that’s the law” (Kaine campaign ad in 2005), you know that they won’t.

When Democrats promise something that is not in keeping with their platform, don’t believe they’ll stick to the promise for minute. My question is really who is more at fault — the elected official or the people who put them there, believing the hollow promise, in the first place?