I am running for Lt. Governor of Virginia

Ken Falkenstein, Senior Contributor, BearingDrift.com

meToday I announce my candidacy for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia.

For too long, petty politics have held sway in Richmond.  The Commonwealth needs a leader who is a uniter and not a divider.

Next year is a crossroads election.  Do we continue with politics as usual, or can we chart a better course?

For 30 years, I have been a fighter for our conservative principles.  I am a rock-ribbed conservative who knows how to reach across the aisle to get results.

I am a leader you can count on to do the right thing when the chips are down.  I will wake up every morning determined to make our Commonwealth great again.

It is morning in Virginia, and the possibilities before us are endless.  I am an outsider who can end the partisan bickering and bring results to our communities.

If you are sick of business as usual, then it’s time to roll up our sleeves and get to work!

Tell the establishment that the status quo is no longer acceptable.  Tell them you’re supporting Ken Falkenstein for Lieutenant Governor for a better tomorrow!


Paid for and Authorized by Friends of Ken Falkenstein – Brian Kirwin Corey Lewandoski, Treasurer

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