Governor Dunless?

Of course, Lord Governor Dunmore was the last British governor of Virginia… before he wrecked any goodwill built by the previous governor and Patrick Henry had to come out and show Dunmore a thing or two.

But we digress.  Governor Dunless… er, McAuliffe showed up on the taxpayer-subsidized set of AMC’s “Turn” and played dress up:

“Henry, you can count on the Virginia militia,” Lawson says. “Remember that.”

. . .

“Cut!” shouts Madha, bringing his first run-through rehearsal to a close, and immediately Gov. Terry McAuliffe, playing Gen. Lawson, shoots a winning smile at director, crew and a gaggle of spectators gathered to watch him shoot his Episode 7 cameo.

“How was that?” he shouts. “One-take Terry!”

One Take Terry?  Not bad… we like that.

Yet Governor Dunmore might have been a better role.  After all, Dumore loved the idea of regulating Virginians’ right to bear arms, stripped away property rights, used the power of a distant capital to knuckle Virginians down… and heck, Dunmore wasn’t from ’round here either (T-Mac hailing from the suburbs of Noo Joizzee).

Our artists deep within the confines of Bearing Drift headquarters feverishly came up with some concept art:


We approve.

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