Taylor forms exploratory committee

Delegate Scott Taylor of Virginia Beach announced via email what the late Terrence Boulden seemed to already know: Taylor is considering running for lieutenant governor.

In his announcement considering this run, Taylor cites his opposition to efforts to increase gun control and to expand Obamacare, as well as his ability to connect with younger voters, as reasons for his candidacy:

I believe that we need strong leaders in Virginia who will fight against the governor’s and billionaire Bloomberg’s gun control agenda.

I believe that we need strong leaders to ensure that Virginia doesn’t expand budget-busting Obamacare, because success should be measured by how few Virginians we sign-up for government entitlements as opposed to how many.

I believe that we need leaders who can bridge the generational gap and who can deliver our conservative message to all Virginians and who have vision for the commonwealth.

We need leaders who have a forward-looking, positive vision for freedom, responsibility, opportunity and growth in the commonwealth.

Taylor joins Ed Gillespie as the current candidates who are considering 2017 Republican nominations for statewide office.

See Taylor’s video announcement:

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