Bush To Fundraise For Virginia Senate Republicans

jeb_bush_flagGOP presidential candidate and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush is going to be down in Roanoke next week raising money for the Virginia Senate Republican Caucus:

The event, set for Sept. 24 in Bristol, will benefit the Virginia Senate Republican Caucus. It will spotlight several caucus incumbents and 21st District candidate Nancy Dye, of Roanoke, who’s in a three-way race against incumbent Sen. John Edwards, D-Roanoke, and independent Don Caldwell.

Nancy Dye has to be pleased.

More to the point, this is the sort of team rally that candidates ought to be doing, especially in states where early support matters.

More to the point… if Republicans in the State Senate do well this go around, who do you think they are going to remember come primary season?

Smart play… absolutely great play.  Total frontrunner move, one might add.

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