Virginia education working group supports climate change indoctrination

Yesterday, the president was talking about being for climate change before he was against it in Alaska (He authorized ice breakers to compete with Russia for access to oil and natural gas, while simultaneously lamenting melting glaciers).

Today, Brian Kirwin posts that the Virginia Education Association was for Del. David Yancey before they were against him.

But in what is probably the clearest form of what education and liberal progressives really stand for with respect to environmental activism, one only need to look at the recommendation from the Public Education Workgroup under the McAuliffe Administration.


Under “Recommendation #3: Promoting Hands-On K-12 Learning Experiences,” the group’s stated goal is for students to become more “climate literate.”

Under their action items, they propose to use executive authority to foist the climate change mantra on schools and churches, using government agencies and the SOL as their vehicles.

Of course, they can’t determine a cost, but they do feel that in 1-2 years kids will begin to get a “hands-on” experience at learning “through their school” the “basis in the science of climate change.”

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